Foreign missions:
International Workshop , Univ. of Pavía, Italy, 16-17 June 2016, on Understanding and managing migration in Africa –
Multidimensional perspectives
conference, Cotonou (Bénin) on "The fabrication of public action in countries « under an aid regime", Cotonou, 17 to 20 November 2015
EU EOM Madagascar 2013: election observation of the transiational presidential elections of 23 Oct. 2013, in Sofia
Region, North-West Madagascar.
Cape Town, DAAD-Evaluation of African Centres of
Excellence, Development Research Division (DRD), School of Governance, Univ. of Western Cape, South Africa, 19 to 26 November 2011
Worldbank, Washington D.C., USA, short-term consultant for SDV flagship
study: Societal dynamics and fragility, auhors' workshop on fragil states at the Social Development Department, WB, 2010
Ivory Coast; EU EOM 2010, Election Observation (STO), 23 October to 03
November, 2010
Togo, EU EOM TOGO 2010, Election
Observation (STO), 19 Febr. 2010 to 11 March 2010
Political consultancy:
Politische EU - Afrika Beziehungen Demokratisierung und Friedenssicherung. Junge Europäische Förderalisten (JEF), Hamburg, Europa Akademie, Gut Siggen, 6 April 2019
Bertelsmann (BTI)
transformation index - country evaluations (2011-14)
- Togo - 2007 to 2014 - BMZ-Indikatorenkatalog & Krisenfrüherkennung (Country analyses, Conflict Prevention & Political Economic Short Analyses, Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development, (BMZ), Bonn)
- IP-Coaching of aid personel (BMZ, KfW, giz) dealing with Togo at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn, 2013
- Backstopping on 'Criteria of German-African cooperation in a partnership of equals', for 'Partnership with Africa' (NGO) & 'Africa Initiative' of the Federal Ministry for Cooperation and
Development (BMZ), February, 2013
- "Afrikanische Migranten vor der Festung Europa", Vortrag & Diskussion. Zielgruppe: Generalstabslehrgang "Krisenprävention, -intervention und - nachsorge", Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr,
Hamburg, Di., d. 5. Januar 2010
- Training for International Diplomats - 1st Executive Seminar for Diplomats from Africa. Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, November 20, 2007
Evaluation of research programmes:
Media: interviews, videos & articles (selection):
Aufgeheizte Milizen und Warlords in Abidjan
Wahlbeobachter beurteilt Lage in der Elfenbeinküste kritisch. Dirk Kohnert im Gespräch mit Anne Raith (Deutschlandfunk - Deutschlandradio, April 12, 2011)
Schwerpunkt: Nigeria steht vor wichtigen Entscheidungen (Audio-Datei)
Interview (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, SRF: DRS 4 aktuell, April 11, 2011)
Entscheidungskampf in der Elfenbeinküste (Video)
Interview (ZDF-heute journal, April 5, 2011)
Elfenbeinküste: Blutiger Machtkampf - Bürgerkrieg droht (Audio-Datei)
Interview (ORF-Hörfunk - Mittagsjournal - Österreichischer Rundfunk, Wien, December 20, 2010)
Schicksalswahl an der Elfenbeinküste: "Modelldemokratie in Afrika" patzt? (Audio-Datei), (Deutsche Welle - Afrika, December 2,
Ringen um die Macht
Ablösung für Nigerias Präsidenten: zur Einsetzung von Vizepräsident Goodluck Jonathan als amtierendem Regierungschef
Interview (Deutsche Welle, February 10, 2010)
AU summit in Ethiopia (January 31 to February 2, 2010) and the future role of the AU in conflict prevention
Interview (Deutsche Welle, February 2, 2010)
Lectures (selection):
- "Political and social framework requirements of cooperation between entrepreneurs and civil society in Africa", conference: “Creating the Future - New Strategies for civil societies in
economics: The partnership approach”, Partnership with Africa / German Ministry for Economic Cooperation, bcc-Berlin, December 9, 2012
- "Migration als Herausforderung für afrikanische Staaten". Fallstudie: Post-Apartheid Südafrika (migration as a challenge for African states, the case of South Africa)", Akademie der Diözese
Rottenburg-Stuttgart, kath. Akademie Weingarten , Weingarten, December 4, 2010 (program)
- "Sind Chinesen in Afrika innovativer als Afrikaner? Innovationskulturen chinesischer und nigerianischer Migranten in Westafrika", Chinas Engagement – Segen oder Fluch für Afrika?,
STUBE, Hoisbüttel, Ammersbeck/Hamburg, August 28, 2010
- "Societal dynamics and fragility: Lessons from Africa" , GIGA-GTZ Workshop, Hamburg, July 1, 2010
- "Konzepte und Effektivität der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit am Beispiel des subsaharischen Afrikas", V. Jahrestagung Illegalität: Irreguläre Migration - zwischen Grenzüberschreitung und
Ausgrenzung. Katholische Akademie in Berlin e.V., Berlin, March 5, 2009 (program)
- "Westafrika eine aktuelle soziokulturelle und wirtschaftliche Darstellung", Herausforderung Afrika: Seminar für Angehörige des
BW-Einsatzführungskommandos, Geltow, Haus Rissen, Hamburg, September 1, 2008
- "Rahmenbedingungen des Publizierens in wissenschaftlichen Afrika-Zeitschriften", Grenzen und Übergänge / Frontieres et Passages / Frontiers and Passages, VAD, Freiburg / Basel, May 14, 200
- "Cultures of innovation of the African poor. Common roots, shared traits, joint prospects?", 16. ISA World Congress of Sociology, Durban/South Africa, July 23-29, 2006, Research Committee 09
- Social Transformations and Sociology of Development, Session 02: Global Modernity, Civilizations and Local Life-Worlds (Part II)
- "Cultures of innovation as articulation of multiple modernities in Africa and Latin America", Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies (IRICS), INST, Vienna, December 9-11,
- "Country strategy papers: strategic management tools for international NGOs?", Neuere Ansätze der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; Jahreskonferenz, Verein für Socialpolitik, Ausschuss
Entwicklungsländer, Cologne, July 2-3, 2004
Referee for scholarly journals:
African Affairs: "top-ranked Africanist journal as measured by ISI journal impact factor (1.264, in 2008), placing it
second overall within Area Studies and above all other Africanist journals"
Africa Spectrum, GIGA, Hamburg, ISI indexed
Global Networks, a Journal of Transnational Affairs, Wiley-Blackwell, ISI Journal Citation Reports®
Ranking: 2007: 5/53 (Anthropology)
Hamburg Review of Social Sciences, University of Hamburg
Journal of Common Market Studies, UACES, ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2007: 39/93 Economics
Journal of International Migration and Integration (Springer)
Journal of Modern African Studies, Cambridge University Press, ISI Journal Citation Reports®
Ranking 2007: Area Studies 16/37
Local Government Studies, Routledge (Taylor & Francis); highly ranked in the ISI Social Science
Citation Index; 2008 Impact Factor: 0.514; 62/99 (Political Science), 21/28 (Public Administration), 33/43 (Planning & Development)(according to own advertisement)
Culture and Religion - An Interdisciplinary Journal, Routledge/Taylor&Francis
Social Science & Medicine: Social Science & Medicine has recently been rated
by Thomson ISI as the world's most cited social science journal over a decade. Published since 1967, Social Science & Medicine came top of the top 20 out of 629 journals; journal impact
factor 2.604 (2009)
Sociologus, Journal of Empirical Social Anthropology, Duncker&Humblot,
Berlin; ISI-indexed
For my publications see pull-down menue on the upper right hand of this page ...