Publications (selection)
Editor of the scholarly journal Africa Spectrum from
1991 to 2009
(ISI journal impact factor: 0.9000, 2015)
Kohnert, Dirk - Web of Science (Clarivate) - 111 citations, h-index: 21 April 2022 --- Scopus/Mendeley: 151 citations (April 2022); Google Scholar: 1,542 citations.
For a comprehensive list of my publications and citations see my
ResearchGate Profile & google-scholar profile
Publication metrics (publons / Web of Science) as of
April 2022
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): ‘Enlightened’ West African dictatorships challenged by state capture ? Insights from Benin, Togo and Senegal. MPRA WP, No. 114934
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Machine ethics and African identities: Perspectives of artificial intelligence in Africa. SSRN-WPS, No. 4163096
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): The impact of the energy-induced EU recession on Sub-Saharan Africa. MPRA WP No. 114051
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): The impact of Islamist terrorism on Africa's informal economy: Kenya, compared with Ghana and Senegal. SSOAR, SSRN-WPS, No. 4145928
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): One-way ticket to Rwanda ? : Boris Johnson's cruel refugee tactic meets Kagame's shady immigration handling.,
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): Will Putin's Ukraine war provoke famine and upheaval in Africa?,
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): The impact of
Russian presence in Africa. MPRA paper,
No. 112564
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): African migrants plight in China: Afrophobia impedes China's race for Africa's resources and
markets. MPRA_paper_111346
Kohnert, Dirk (2022): French domination of markets in Francophone Africa: Post-colonialism at its finest? MPRA_paper_112024
Kohnert, Dirk (2021) : Brexit and CANZUK : expectations versus
realities. BLOG, UK-in-a-Changing-Europe
Kohnert, Dirk (2020) : The impact of Brexit on francophone Africa. Review of
African Political Economy (ROAPE), vol. 46, issue 162, January 2020, DOI : 10.1080/03056244.2019.1696292
Kohnert, Dirk & Laurence Marfaing (2019): Les élections présidentielles de 2019 au Sénégal ou la lente
ascension des nouvelles générations. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaine, forthcoming
Kohnert, Dirk (2018): More equitable British post-Brexit Africa relations: doomed to fail?, Africa Spectrum, vol. 53., No. 2,
Kohnert, Dirk (2018): Trump's tariff’s impact on Africa and the
ambiguous role of African agency. Review of African Political Economy, 2018, vol. 45, No. 157
- Kohnert, Dirk (2017): Togo: Political and Socio-Economic Development (2015-
2017). MPRA-RePEc-paper
- Kohnert, Dirk (2017): Togo [2016]. In: Abbink/Elischer/Melber/Mehler (eds.),
Africa Yearbook Volume 13 – Politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2016. Leiden & Boston: Brill
Kohnert, Dirk (2016): Chinese And African Migrant Entrepreneur’s Articulation
Shaped By African Agency. Strategic Review for Southern Africa, vol. 38 2016.2: 156-166
Kohnert, Dirk (2015): Donor’s double talk undermines African agency -
Comparative study of civic agency in Burkina Faso and Togo. Conference Paper, APAD-Conference, Cotonou
Kohnert, Dirk (2015):Togo: recent political and
economic development. MPRA-WP
2010: Democratization via Elections in an African “Narco-state”? The Case of Guinea-Bissau, GIGA Working Paper No 123, February 2010, Hamburg
(Abstract & full article)
2010 (with Heinz Jockers, Paul Nugent): The Successful Ghana Election of 2008: A Convenient Myth?, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol.
48 (2010) 1, pp. 95-115 (full article); revised and updated version of:
GIGA Working Paper " The Successful Ghana Election of 2008 – a Convenient Myth? Ethnicity in Ghana’s Elections Revisited", September 2009, Hamburg (Abstract & full article)
- 2009: EU-Africa economic relations: Continuing dominance, traded for aid? In: Bello, V./Gebrewold, B. (Hg.), A Global Security Triangle. European, African and Asian Interaction,
Routledge/GARNET series: Europe in the World, London / New York: Routledge, S. 111-136, (view inside the book); pre-published: GIGA Working
Paper " A Global Security Triangle. European, African and Asian Interaction", July 2008, Hamburg (Abstract & full article)
- 2009: EU-Africa economic relations: Continuing dominance, traded for aid, in: Bello, V. and Gebrewold, B. (eds.): A Global Security Triangle. European, African and Asian Interaction. London /
New York: Routledge (View inside the book).
- 2008: Entfremdung und Ausgrenzung: Afrikas neuer Nationalismus in Zeiten der Globalisierung, in: Sociologus, vol. 58 (2008) (pre-publication)
- 2008: Neuer Nationalismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Afrika. GIGA Focus Afrika, Nr. 7/2008, Hamburg: GIGA (Full article)
- 2007: On the Renaissance of African Modes of Thought - The Example of the Belief in Magic and Witchcraft. In: Schmidt, Burghart / Schulte, Rolf (eds.): "Witchcraft in Modern Africa: Witches,
witch-hunts and magical imaginaries". Hamburg: Dokumentation & Buch (DOBU), 2007: 39-61 (abstract and full article)
- 2007: On the Articulation of Witchcraft and Modes of Production among the Nupe, Northern Nigeria In: Schmidt, Burghart / Schulte, Rolf (eds.): Witchcraft in Modern Africa: Witches,
witch-hunts and magical imaginaries". Hamburg: Dokumentation & Buch (DOBU), 2007: 62-94 (abstract and full article)
- 2007: Common roots, shared traits, joint prospects? On the articulation of multiple modernities in Benin and Haiti. In: Schuerkens, Ulrike (ed.) (2007): "Globalization and transformations of
local socio-economic practices. Oxford, Routledge, 2008: 151-173 (View inside the book)
- 2007: African Migration to Europe: Obscured Responsibilities and Common Misconceptions; GIGA Working Paper No 49, May 2007 (Abstract & full article), also edit as: ‘Crisis Region Western Africa- The
cradle of African migration to Europe’, in: Gebrewold, Belachew (ed.): Africa and Fortress Europe - Threats and opportunities. Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, Hampshire, pp. 37-55
- 2006: Afrikanische Migranten vor der "Festung Europa, GIGA Focus Afrika, Nr. 12/2006, Hamburg: GIGA (Volltext)
- 2006: Cultures of Innovation of the African Poor. Common Roots, Shared Traits, Joint Prospects? On the Articulation of Multiple Modernities in African Societies and Black Diasporas in Latin
America. GIGA Working Paper No 25, July 2006 (Abstract & full article)
- 2005: On the relevance of rational economic reasoning under African conditions Monetary Unions - Dominated by the North? The CFA-Zone and the CMA., in: Fritz, Barbara/Metzger, Martina (2005):
New Issues in Regional Monetary Coordination - Understanding North-South and South-South Arrangements, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: 177-187 (Abstract)
- 2004: Election Observation in Nigeria and Madagascar: Diplomatic vs Technocratic Bias. Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE), 31 (2004) 99: 83-101 (Abstract)
- 2003: Witchcraft and transnational social spaces: witchcraft violence, reconciliation and development in South Africa's transition process, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 41, Nr.
2: 217-245 (Full text)
- 2003: with Preuss, Hans J.: NGO-work under changed conditions - Country concepts of DWHH-German
Agro Action. Development and Change, 30.2003:10: 380-382
- 1992: with Preuss, Hans-Joachim A. / Sauer, Peter (Hrsg.) (1992): Perspektiven zielorientierter Projektplanung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. / Perspectives of Object Orientated Planning in Development Co-operation
(German Edition). IfO-Studien zur Entwicklungsforschung N° 22, Weltforum, Köln, 1992, 260 S.
- 1982: Klassenbildung im ländlichen Nigeria. Das Beispiel der Savannenbauern im Nupeland / Class formation in rural Nigeria - The case of savanna peasants in Nupeland, Northern Nigeria (in
German, with extensive English summary). (view inside the book)
Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Afrika-Kunde N° 42, Hamburg