foto gallery


... for views of my professional missions to Africa and elsewhere, please visit panoramio & google earth


... insights into our residential project 'Torfwiesenau' at the Eastern shore of the Kiel fjord, in Neu-Heikendorf




"Abaconian" (cartoon) page 1
"Abaconian" (cartoon) page 1

... last, but not least, my hobbies: trecking and sailing

here one outstanding example: a sailing tour with my 'family' in the Bahamas, including weathering of a hurricane in a save heaven ...

Residential community "Torfwiesen-Au"

Wohnprojekt 'Torfwiesenau'
Wohnprojekt 'Torfwiesenau'

Wohnprojekt 'Torfwiesenau': Zusammenleben von Jung und Alt, Wohnen und Arbeiten, mit ökologischem und sozialem Engagement.

Flash-Galerien / Diashow

Easter brunch
Easter brunch